Huasco: favorite destination to discover the “flowery desert”

14 de Septiembre de 2014/COPIAPO
Flores Pata de Guanaco en el desierto de Atacama. El desierto florido es un fenómeno que se produce en el desierto de Atacama (Chile), el más árido del planeta. Consiste en la aparición de una gran diversidad de flores entre los meses de septiembre y noviembre en aquellos años en que las precipitaciones son inusuales (sobre el rango normal para el desierto). El fenómeno es único en el mundo y ocurre cuando las lluvias hacen que gran cantidad de semillas y bulbos que se encontraban en estado de latencia germinen al llegar la primavera.
24 Jul 2017

The “flowering desert” phenomenon, which turns green the driest area on the planet, is likely to reach its peak between the second fortnight of August and the first fortnight of September, Conaf announced to El Diario de Atacama.

Those who live in Chile’s northern area will not witness any ordinary “super bloom”. According to Conaf, it might be the largest everlarger than those registered in 2015 and 1997.

Given the amount of rain fallen in the south of the Atacama region, that particular area concentrates the bloomingspecifically coastal zones nearby Huasco, declared Conaf’s local director, Ricardo Santana.

Santana urged neighbours and tourists to avoid running over the flora with vehicles, so as to protect both the plants and the proliferation of insects due to the rare phenomenon.

“The flowering desert is the door to get to know the region, not only with respect to the event itself, but with respect to tourismbeachesnational reservoirs and our very own desert”, said the president of the Atacama Tourism Association, Ennio Mettifogo.

During 2015, an estimated twenty thousand people visited the area to observe the natural spectacle.

If you want to know more information about where to eat or rent a room, visit this: Booking


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